

What does good nutrition actually mean?

Looking after your everyday nutrition is one of the more important things that should be taking up your time. It doesn’t mean giving up burgers, or never eating chocolate again, it is mostly about making smarter choices across a wide variety of healthy food options. If you eat better, you feel better, both physically and emotionally. If you spend your days eating nothing but junk food you’re going to notice a decline in your overall health.

So, what are nutrients good for?

Nutrients are the ingredients in food that help your body to grow, repair body tissue and to build new muscle tissue. You need to eat a wide range of foods to see the benefits, bringing together ingredients from multiple food groups will help to meet your body’s daily needs. ease.

How do I know what constitutes a healthy diet?

Follow the guide provided by Better Health for a greater understanding of a healthy diet:  Plenty of colourful vegetables, legumes/beans. Fruit. Grain (cereal) foods – mostly wholegrain and high fibre varieties Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds. Milk, yoghurt, cheese or their alternatives, mostly reduced fat. (Reduced fat milks are not suitable for children under the age of two years.) Drink plenty of water. Regular exercise. With In30 we are taking the guesswork out of the process for you, our curated meals are not only healthy and nutrient rich, but they’re extremely tasty. You won’t need to search far and wide for recipes on the internet or purchase copious amounts of cookbooks. Your nutrition guide will be in the palm of your hand with the In30 ap

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